Where Treatment Professionals Help More Patients Recover

Where Treatment Professionals Help More Patients Recover

Do you want to join a community of treatment professionals who are fervently committed to providing every patient with the best possible chance of recovering from addiction and/or mental illness? Members of the Vista Research Network use state-of-the-art software to monitor patients during treatment and follow up with them afterwards to learn how effective their treatment was in helping them recover.

Not only are clinicians able to easily personalize the treatment they provide, but Vista’s trailblazing data analytics platform and comprehensive research reports help owners and managers continually monitor and improve their center’s effectiveness.

Additionally, because professionals with excellent results deserve to be paid more, Vista offers Payer Summary Reports summarizing the treatment outcomes of their members that you can use to negotiate more effectively with your payers.  

And the results speak for themselves! Vista’s research has confirmed that among patients treated in a center in the Vista Research Network as of
October 5, 2024:

9,006 patients were in recovery*

one year after discharging from treatment!

* Note: Recovery is defined differently at different treatment centers. When contacted one year after they’d left treatment, the following number of patients confirmed they were achieving their goals during the last 30 days:

  • 8,169 patients in treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) had abstained from all nonprescribed drugs and alcohol
  • 307 SUD patients who attended harm reduction-oriented centers had met their self-defined drug and alcohol usage goals
  • 530 non-SUD patients who attended behavioral treatment felt excellent or good overall

Peter Drucker was right – "What gets measured gets managed." And once centers are able to prove how effective their treatment is, they can use their research to:


Learn How Turning Point Uses Vista's Research





Having Vista’s outcomes research truly differentiated Turning Point with payers.  Without it, I doubt we would have won a highly-competitive contract worth over $20 million in revenues to date.

“We’re thrilled that whenever a patient submits a new Vista survey, a PDF of their client dashboard is now being automatically imported into their record in Kipu. This is saving our staff a TREMENDOUS amount of time! Having the client surveys in the chart has also increased our documentation compliance and we've received positive feedback from our state and national regulators."

In addition to how useful Vista’s real-time data is in treating patients, it’s also been very helpful in getting additional days of treatment approved. When I’m doing doc-to-doc reviews, the doctors don’t care about things like whether the patient is going to meetings or acting a certain way. They want proof that additional treatment is medically necessary, which is exactly what Vista’s assessments of depression, anxiety, trauma, suicidality, etc. provide. Vista proves medical necessity. 

AToN Center has been using Vista’s outcomes research for over six years and we have found the feedback invaluable. Vista informs our treatment planning and alerts us to residents that require immediate intervention. Using Vista Research allows us to have objective data in order to compare our results with other treatment centers to monitor our effectiveness. The credibility and transparency that Vista Research’s Group brings to substance use disorder treatment is critical to allow consumers to make informed decisions about their care.

Is Your Center A Good Candidate for Vista's Research?


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